View more details about the charity orphanage I support, in Denpasar Bali here
In 2020 I was furtunate to volunteer and teach yoga, song and dance to these deserving children.
Throughout the year I reguarly offer yoga by donation classes where all funds raised support, Jody Oshea House.
View my article about Yoga In Nature... here
Giving Back – Charity Work, I strongly believe in helping others, I support two local charities here in the UK.
The Sam Beare Hospice, Woking: & The Therapy Gardens, Normandy:
I also teach yoga & mindfulness for a local charity supporting young adults with learning difficulties.



In the creation of this website, I was careful to ensure it encapsulated my journey with various forms of healing for overall well-being. I first discovered the Bali-Pura auric sprays when I travelled to Indonesia, arriving in a new culture I soon discovered there were lots of daily rituals. These repeated blessings of gratitude are often done through prayer and meditation, cleansing ceremonies happen to ward off any negativity and offerings are given to encourage self-protection.
Through having reiki and my practice of yoga I was aware of the subtle body system and the idea of keeping a sense of balance between each chakra, beginning at our head (crown chakra) Sahasrara leading down to our root (base chakra) Muladhara.
We all have an aura (energy field) which flows in and out of the internal chakra system and is connected to the physical body.
Our thoughts and the external energy of others and our environment become a part of us, despite not visually seeing it we must take self-care measures.
I see the Bali Pura range as an additional support for the times I feel that my vibration is low or in need of a pick me up, intuitively our body will allow us to tap into this feeling. The body has an amazing ability to inform us of what it is that we need when we listen.
The range has x 7 auric sprays, all beautifully infused with selected crystals, pure oils, water from (Tirta healing volcanic spring) and Balinese temple flowers. These are all batched individually where healers and high priests bless the products in sacred waters at specific times to coincide with the phases of the moon. It concludes with a Balinese ceremony at sunset on the day of the full moon.
Those on my mailing list for Yoga, Reiki, NLP Coaching and Ayurvedic services will all be able to receive an exclusive discount on all items, including the roll-on pure oil range and the protection chakra wristlet selections. Simply e-mail me to receive your unique code which can be used in the payment section when ordering directly through;
If you care for yourself and the planet you will be pleased to read that Bali Pura are proudly 100% non-GMO and Natural, No Chemicals are used in or near their products, they strongly Do Not approve of Animal Testing, not to mention that all is Paraben Free, Palm Oil Free, Vegan, Cruelty Free, Environmentally Responsible and Made with Love.
Keep those intentions high and uplifted, you will not be disappointed in the benefits of cleansing your personal space for a true sense of harmony and balance, let this be your daily ritual.

The Hero's Journey - Joseph Campbell
The Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle
The Untethered Soul – Michael Alan Singer
The Seat of The Soul – Gary Zuvak
The Universe Has Your Back – Gabrielle Bernstein
11 Life Lessons- Nelson Mandela
The Crystal Healing Bible – Sue Lilly
May I Be Happy – Cyndi Lee
The Body – Bill Bryson
Healing Yoga – Jennie Liljefors
Happy – Fearne Cotton
Chakras- Anodea Judith
Gut – Giulia Enders
E-Myth Michael E.Gerber
Biology of Belief - Bruce Lipton
Yoga for Wellness - Gary Kraftsow
Don’t Let Anything Dull Your Sparkle - Doreen Virtue
Ayurvedic Cooking for Westerners – Amadea Morningstar
In Love, Become Love & Love Comes – Michelle Rose
Non -Violent Communication - A Language of Life - Marshall B Rosenberg
Flow, The Psychology of Optimal Experience - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Man's Search for Meaning - The Classic tribute to Hope from the Holocaust - Victor E Frankl
Awareness through Movement - Easy to do Exercises to Improve Health - Moshe Feldenkrais
The Alchemist - A Fable About Following Your Dream - Paulo Coelho
The Key Muscles of Yoga - Ray Long, Chris Macivor
Full Catastrophe Living - Using The Wisdom of Your Body, Mind to Face Stress, Pain & Illness - Jon Kabat-Zinn